Three Powers

Let there be light. Let there be love. Let there be power.

As you sit and sip your morning coffee, I wait for an electrician. I got up early to shower and dress so I would be ready. Now I wait. Yesterday, I flipped the light switch in my closet and it went limp and the light remained on. I tried the switch by the other door, but it is not wired to work that way. I tried the first switch again and heard a sizzle and smelled an acrid odor. It occurred to me I could start a fire in the wall and burn down the house. I called my brother, the electrical engineer. After he made jokes about my “shocking” situation and questioned what “sparked” my problem; he told me to find the breaker and turn off the electricity for the room. It took three times up and down the stairs and the breaker eliminated power to the closet, bathroom and bedroom. He said it was an easy fix, so I called my son-in-law to discuss the matter. We agreed that I should wait for an electrician to repair the wiring as well as the switch. No one was available yesterday.

As I wait and contemplate, there are many sources of power for which I am thankful. The power of love tops the list. It brings us together, it builds family and communities. I believe this power comes from God. It is nurtured and strengthened by an eternal consciousness. Sunlight is second on my list. It gives us energy and food and joy that is mystical but scientifically explained. Sunlight changes how we look and feel. The third is Electrical power which can be engineered to do the magnificent. The ions in our body have minute electrical power that keep a neutral balance in our bodies for optimum health.

When powers combine the growth is exponential. Unseen powers of light, electricity and love have much in common.

Walk in the light of love and use your power to transform others today.

Communicate with Care

Yesterday, I turned on the kitchen mini-oven to keep our pizza warm. The pizza was so good we gobbled the entire pie up like hungry puppies, but I forgot to turn off the oven until well after midnight (when I got out of bed for a drink of water). There have also been times when I put something in the oven and forgot to turn it on. From half baked to overdone foods, I have only myself to blame and not the oven.

This is not unlike some of my ideas and plans. Sometimes I move forward without thinking things through (half baked plans), and other times my plans are over-the-top or over done. My children are experiencing some of the same now that they have growing and extended families. Planning for large family gatherings is difficult. I start with how much food, what activities will be fun for everyone, and where does everyone sit and ultimately sleep? For things to run smoothly, my main focus is to communicate well and to be inclusive.

My daughters have been teaching me a thing or two about quality communication. Our conversations have changed a little from ten years ago, and are vastly differ from fifteen years ago. They are now in their thirties and well into responsible adulthood. Now that I am 65, I feel the freedom to speak from the heart. If I am not careful about timing, tone, and temperament, my children will raise a wall of defense whenever I walk into the room. I do not like walls, so they are helping me compile a list of subjects that no longer need to be discussed.

1.Sexuality: they did not want to talk about it in high school or college, and they surely do not want to share or hear about our sexual expertise now – or ever for that matter.

  1. Health: they do not want to talk about weight gain, eating habits or making babies.
  2. Finance: debt can be discouraging. Gifts of cash with no strings attached are welcome.
  3. Politics: there are more than two sides to issues. No arguments or controversy, please. It is okay to state an opinion based on reliable statistics.
  4. Religion: it is likely that our children have beliefs different from ours. Traditions are changing, science and philosophy have evolved. My faith in Jesus does not waver, so it is hard to consider following anything else for me. I simply pray everyone finds a path that leads to peace.

Mamas and grandmas do not ask questions to be nosy, bossy or judgmental. They have intense love that they dearly hope their children will experience with the next generations. We are delighted to help with plans and to be included. If we sound half baked or overdone, be gentle with us.

As families gather for the holidays, good communication is important. Personal subjects should be left on the back burner (low flame), or maybe stored in the deep freeze for now. We can talk about memories and joyful times. We can talk about miracles and mystery. We can share research and ideas to solve problems in our community. How beautiful it is to have adult children with a variety of interests and experiences. We continue to marvel at how quickly everyone has grown. It is not too soon to share ideas with the youngest in the family.

I have something in the oven I need to check on. Sweet aromas fill our home when we follow a recipe that is tried and true.