Skin Deep

Reposting a blog from three yeas ago that is still relevant today. Also, my daughter has come to expect a Saturday blog with her tea even if I am on vacation.

Yesterday, I reached for the travel size moisturizer and then realized I just slathered hair conditioner on my legs. My skin needs tremendous help due to years of sun damage. Maybe this is the miracle I have been looking for. I have worked and played outside all day in the summer sun most of my life. By June, my grandmother would always say “You are as brown as a berry”, and indeed I had a tan so dark that I looked like another nationality. In the winter my mother would say, ” You look like death warmed over”, because I was so pale and pallid. Thankimageyou to the inventor of blush. So, my obsession with skincare started at an early age while I secretly wished I had chocolate brown skin all year. Then tanning beds were invented. Well, I have learned long ago that those are dangerous too. Oh, to have beautiful skin like the women near the equator. My friend Lise, always said, “Beauty is skin deep”. I didn’t quite understand the implication at the time, but now I know she meant what is in the heart is the most important and beautiful part of a woman. We cannot judge a person by their skin. We cannot make assumptions based on a person’s hair, make up, or clothes. We must invite all people to join in loving service to one another. We must teach our families to embrace all people and to even love their enemy. There is no other way to live in peace.

Totally Fit is committed to bringing all women together and to inspiring them to be whole in spirit, soul, and body. We realize how very different all of us are in the way we look, feel, and worship; but we embrace our differences to gather as one in praise of a Savior who rescues us from our failings. We laugh, cry, hug, and pray with one heart, and with many voices we sing and share the knowledge that leads us to a better life through Christ. We are one in the Spirit as we learn about and serve others in the community. Our goal is always to be healthy and whole to give glory to God with all our being. Let us gather now as one to pray for peace and bring comfort to those who are broken hearted and hurting.

We can try to change the color and texture of our skin, but we must condition our hearts to understand, forgive, and love deeply beyond the skin.

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