From Teacher to Writer

We never know if our best was enough.

Every morning, I start with quiet time to read a chapter of the Bible. It took four years to finish when I read one chapter at a time, but I did finally read the whole bible. What a story. It takes one year to read the Bible with a set program that includes a chapter in the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms or Proverbs. So, I read through a second time and became more familiar with the characters, lessons, historical events, and wisdom. Then, I continued reading bible verses along with a devotional. Proverbs 31 Ministry sends out a “Daily Encouragement”, written by women addressing personal and emotional problems. I post a verse everyday to glean a nugget of wisdom for the day. It often is a handy reminder when faced with issues during the day. This year, I have zeroed in on the words of Jesus written by His disciple, Matthew- an unpopular tax collector. I added a #hashtag after the scripture to remember the main idea.

A few people read what I write. Not many. Most friends are more interested in pictures of the grandchildren- they are super cute. I love seeing their family photos as well. A few people judge me and are offended by what I write. It is never my intent to be pushy or preachy. I Certainly could quote other wise people and use prettier pictures. I continue with the good news of love and forgiveness, which Jesus professed and demonstrated through His healing and creating a community for the disenfranchised. It caused Him great difficulty- as He knew it would- with the Jewish religious leaders. They put Him to death. He fought for freedom of the soul and body. He generated a Spirit of truth and courage that continues.

I continue to write moved by this Holy Spirit.

I am sorry if people think I am trying to achieve a “holier than thou” state of being. I am sorry if people find me naive, hypocritical, judgmental or boring. I do not think they know me very well. I am glad for those who find comfort and inspiration from the words of Jesus (and my interpretation). I rejoice for those who gain strength and faith in the future by the words of Jesus. He said some harsh things. His frustration was not withheld from the people He taught and loved. He endured brutal tests and His reputation was muddied by those who thought they knew better. Sometimes His own family doubted Him and His methods. I keep trying to understand Him by the little we know from the gospel texts, and by the personal faith experiences which have tested and strengthened me.

I do not wish to cram dogma down anyone’s throat. I do not wish to proclaim Christians as superior in their endeavors. I am grateful I can pray; even silently in schools and government buildings. I can pray looking in the eyes of the doubters and debaters, and know the Holy Spirit can change their lives. My sorrow continues for those who are tired, hurting, lost. My hope for transformation continues for those who are cruel, selfish, misguided, hard hearted. I am a simple, humble servant with the task to tell the story.

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